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March 2024 Ministry Recap

Writer: Adam WatsonAdam Watson

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement! March was a busy month ministry and training. You can follow the links below to see where God has had us serving in recent weeks.

March 5th-8th

Adam has been privileged to be asked to be the Westminster Chapel Learning Community Mentor. There is an excellent group of seminary students and we look forward to seeing this partnership for training with Union School of Theology flourish.

March 9th

I was grateful to teach four sessions on the Atoning work of Christ. This was a big undertaking and a refreshing deep dive into the atonement. One the most powerful moments in a session was a prayer time we had after watching this video from D.A. Carson called - “The blood of the Lamb”

March 10th

The Gospel in the Old Testament - Victoria Park Baptist Church

I have been preaching monthly at VPCB. This month we looked at hope we can see Jesus in several old testament stories including David and Goliath, the life of Moses, Joseph and others. We are praying for God to continue to stir the believers there and revitalize the church in a neighborhood that really needs the gospel.

March 13th - 14th

Ekklesia is a unique conference led by friends of ours Mark Waterfield and author Andy Frost amongst others. This collaborative effort to bring various ministry voices from around the church in London together. It was encouraging to see many people facing the reality of the lostness in London head on together. Please continue to pray for unity amongst churches and ministries in London.


This mission will be completed. This is a certainty. We have an incredible hope.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”Matthew 24:14






“Westminster Chapel is not just a place we come to,

but a FAMILY we are sent from!”

Who has God sent you to? 

Is being commissioned by Jesus enough for you?

OR are you waiting for someone "better" to give you a purpose?

“Without Holy Spirit boldness, the world will remain unevangelized... there can never be a substitute for the power of the Spirit working through willing men and women, and that power will bring boldness.” - George Verwer

It was an incredible honor to preach on something I am so passionate about at our home church here in London. We were so encouraged to see God moving with 3 new believers and several dozen people coming forward for prayer to be sent on mission. We look forward to all that God has in store for Westminster Chapel and pray that it will be a sending HUB to the nations for the glory of God.


March 21st

Guildford Commission HUB Training

It was a blessing to be invited to teach a session with the Guildford Hub of Commission. This is a monthly gathering of pastors and ministry leaders from around the Commission family of churches to pray for each other and be equipped, often by each other, to better lead their congregations. I was asked to teach on how sending can bless your church to be on mission locally as well.

March 23rd

Adam hosted a training for our Commission Level 2 Training for Leadership and Ministry Our friend Becky did a fantastic job! She leads the way for Commission Kids and Youth. Her sound theological and practical teaching on discipling our children came from a deep love for Jesus.


As a family we also celebrated Good Friday and Easter Sunday at Westminster Chapel. We prayerfully look forward to our own Easter gathering in the future and how God might shape that in years to come. The following are some of the highlights of this past quarter. 

  • 2 new discipleship groups have started! Pray for these groups to be fruitful and for God to multiply these relationships in the coming months.

  • As seen above more opportunities for training for risen up. Adam has also been asked to train pastors with City to City and the London Project. This has wonderful potential for church planting and networking in the City. Our vision for a training HUB longterm is growing more and more in our hearts.

  • Adam was also asked to help mobilize via The SEND UK with John McGinley 

  • We are praying for discernment with a new church plant location or for a church revitalization. One is near Edgeware Road and the other is in Victoria Park where Adam has been preaching monthly. While there are many needs and opportunities to reach the lost all across London please join us in praying for the exact door God wants to walk through. A door that only God can open and that no man can close. Thank you for praying with us to this end!


Adam and Laura Watson are affiliates of New International. 

Center for Global Outreach: Tel. (239) 337-4336 | 2701 Cleveland Ave., Suite 200, Fort Myers, Florida 33901

©2022 by TEAM WATSON. 

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